About this blog

Some times i get images in my mind. The only way I have ever had of communicating these is in the form of writing. They might range from the kosher to the obscene, from the mundane to the erotic.

As a youngster I searched high and low, of course mostly for the latter kind but the less-than-10-line-novels were few and far between (mind you this was in the dawn of the net). Hence I will share my images here, of cause mostly to ease my mind but also for the possible enjoyment of whom ever might find them.


  • How often will you update?
Yeeaaahhh.... As i said this blogg is just a place for me to unload and not really any artistic effort. It will not have a regular update schedule.

  • How can I contact you?
Easiest is probably to send a mail to: brainfront@mailinator.com

  • What does "brain front" mean?
It is a variation of the saying "eyes front" which pretty much means "mind your steps" or "focus on what you have at hand". Alas this is not always sufficient, it is more important to think about what you are doing or where you are heading than to actually look at it.

  • Who are you?
I live in Stockholm Sweden and am a perfectly normal guy.

Since what I will write here might be, if not controversial so at least precarious i would doubtlessly prefer if future employers, parents and so on did not connect this to my Real Name (tm) all that easy. Thus I will not advertise it that openly, feel free to write me if you want to know.

  • Your writings are short and shallow!
That was not a question.

  • Are these questions really frequent?
No, not really...

  • Isn't this list awfully short?
Yes, please feel free to leave a comment or send me a mail and I might amend it.
